Smokey the Bear and Woodsy Owl Contest 2024
114 posters were submitted from local children in grades from first to fifth grade from the three Temple Terrace Elementary schools. A $100 grant was awarded to the art department of each school to help cover supplies. First place poster winners receive a $10 gift certificate and move on to additional competition at the state level. Each winner receives a ribbon noting their placement and all children receive a certificate of participation.
Yard of the Month January 2024
Our January “Yard of the Month “theme is Camellias. Here is a sampling from our featured yard! The bushes are loaded with buds and will be more beautiful in the coming days.
Tree Planting in Celebration of FFGC’s 100th Anniversary
For our celebration of FFGC’s 100th anniversary, the Temple Terrace City Council made the proclamation of Friday, January 19th to be Arbor Day here in the city.
Christmas Luncheon
Our annual Christmas luncheon is always a lovely time of celebrating the season. Every table had a unique floral centerpiece, designed by one of our members.
Wreath Making
What a great time we had decorating 20 Christmas wreaths for Melech House Hospice . We look forward to this worthwhile project every year and know that it is appreciated by the family’s they serve.
Yard of the Month December 2023
Our December Yard of the Month was awarded to Mr. and Mrs.Donald Marsee, 10901 Kewanee Drive . Their traditional Christmas decorations combined with beautiful red poinsettias fit our theme perfectly!
Annual Poinsettia Sale
Another successful poinsettia sale is complete! Our dedicated members and our supportive community have made our sale a success. Over 1800 plants—poinsettias and Christmas cacti— were sold! We depend on this sale to fund our projects throughout the year.
Kerby’s Nursery and Tibbys New Orleans Kitchen
Joey, the owner, greeted us at Kerby’s and told us about the movement called “Home Grown Native Plant National Park.” it was very, very interesting. Our group of thirteen moseyed around the nursery admiring the wonderful plants, taking pictures by the pumpkin patch, and strolling through the butterfly house.
Misty’s Market Pumpkin Project
Misty’s Market was a fun day; thirteen garden club members showed up to paint pumpkin faces on wood and carving out pumpkins to make a floral design. Misty had her place all set up for us with the paint, brushes, carvers, spoons for scooping and structures you can put into the pumpkin to make faces.
Artist in the Garden
Club members enjoyed a relaxing “paint and sip” event led by member Gwen Mora. Participants followed step by step instructions creating a fabulous fall canvas to take home and enjoy. Previous sessions included a fall pumpkin, spring tulips, and colorful Easter eggs.